Air/Air systems for data centers with adiabatic system
The adiabatic cooling system is a particularly sustainable and efficient form of cooling technology that is often used in data centers and in combination with free cooling.
In data centers, it is important to guarantee the right temperature and relative humidity for IT racks during operating hours. In other words, it is necessary to set up an appropriate air conditioning system that cools the enormous heat loads of the IT equipment within a data center.
As the power consumption of the cooling system represents a significant proportion of the total energy consumption of a data center, improving the energy efficiency of such rooms inevitably involves optimizing the cooling system.

Characteristics of HDB units:
- It does not create contamination of the air inside the server room with the outside air
- Compact design (monoblock)
- Low PUE and WUE
- Water saving function and legionella-free system
Indirect free cooling

The combination of the evaporative cooling system with the air/air cross-flow exchanger of the HDB-DataBatic range extends indirect Free-Cooling for more hours during the year and more climate zones. The reduction, and in some cases cessation, of mechanical operation has two benefits: it reduces operating costs for greater annual energy efficiency (reduced PUE) and reduces deployment costs, thanks to the lower installed power.
HDB units can accommodate the “cooling circuit" option, and are entirely factory assembled in a monobloc solution to facilitate installation operations.
Reference data center Offenbach