    Based on our more than 20 years of experience, we mainly offer products of the air conditioning specialists HiRef and Ventilclima. These products impress with their great flexibility, high innovative strength and, last but not least, their tailor-made solutions. We offer the air conditioning technology of HiRef exclusively as your sales partner in Germany and Austria.
    Alt Text
    Heat pumps
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    Perimeter mounted units
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    Rack cooler
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    Fan wall units
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    Air/Air systems with adiabatic system
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    Chillers with R744
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    Monobloc units
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    Rooftop units
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    Dry coolers
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    Fan coil units
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    Hygienic - Fan coil units
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    Plate heat exchanger

    Testing labs and factory acceptance tests

    In addition, our partner HiRef has 3 highly modern testing labs, as well as outdoor test areas. Here end customers and technical consultants can personally verify the performance and quality of HiRef products. HiRef has made extensive investments in recent years to carry out FAT's (Factory Acceptance Test), which you can read about here.


    We are here for you

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    +49 (0) 8104 – 88 95 0

    COOLtec brochure

    Find out more about our company, our customized air conditioning solutions, partners and references.

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